SEC Cyber, Reg SCI and Reg S-P Rule Proposals

FIF has scheduled a call for Thursday April 20 at 3 pm ET to continue the review and discussion of the SEC’s recent cybersecurity, Reg SCI and Reg S-P rule proposals. FIF has invited members of the following Working Groups to participate on this call: the Compliance and Surveillance Working Group; the Cybersecurity Working Group; and the newly-formed SEC Cyber, Reg SCI and Reg S-P Working Group. If you are interested in participating on this call and are not a member of any of these Working Groups, please update your FIF profile or contact

POSTED Apr 17,2023

SEC Rule Proposal to Require Annual Financial Reports to be Filed in Inline XBRL Format

On March 21 the SEC proposed a series of rule changes that would require broker-dealers to file annual financial reports (Form X-17A-5 Part III) and certain other reports (including Form 17-H) in Inline XBRL format. A FIF member is interested in discussing this SEC proposal with other FIF members. If you are interested in discussing this with other FIF members, please contact

POSTED Apr 17,2023

SEC Cyber, Reg SCI and Reg S-P Rule Proposals

FIF has scheduled a call for Tuesday April 11 at 11 am ET to review and discuss the SEC’s recent cyber, Reg SCI and Reg S-P rule proposals. The call will start with a review and discussion of the SEC’s cyber proposal and cover the other proposals as time permits. FIF has invited members of the following Working Groups to participate on this call: the Compliance and Surveillance Working Group; the Cybersecurity Working Group; and the newly-formed SEC Cyber, Reg SCI and Reg S-P Working Group. If you are interested in participating on this call and are not a member of any of these Working Groups, please update your FIF profile or contact

POSTED Apr 10,2023

Rule 606 Working Group: FINRA Rule Filing on OTC Routing Reports

FIF has scheduled the next call for the Rule 606 Working Group for Tuesday April 11 at 2 pm ET. The Working Group will review and discuss the first draft of an FIF response letter on the FINRA rule filing on disclosure of order routing information for OTC equity securities and NMS securities. The response letter is due on April 13. If necessary, FIF will schedule an additional call for April 12 or 13 to discuss any remaining issues.

POSTED Apr 10,2023

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