FIF Launches Revamped Website

The revamped version of is now live! FIF would especially like to thank our members who provifde feedback and insight during the redesign process.  Please take a moment to explore our new site and send any feedback via  

POSTED Jun 01,2020

CAT Counterparty Contact Utility

The Financial Information Forum (FIF) announces the launch of a CAT Counterparty Contact Utility, a secure central repository of CAT counterparty contact information.  Upon request and approval, brokers will be permitted to access the Utility to obtain the contact information of counterparties on an accelerated basis. The Utility will facilitate compliance with the CAT requirement that obligates brokers to repair interfirm linkage errors by T+3 (trading day of the event (T) + three trading days).  Access to the Utility will be made available to all CAT reporting brokers, regardless of whether the broker is a current FIF member.  

POSTED May 27,2020

FIF Submits Commits on the Commissions Proposed Amendments to the CAT NMS Plan

On October 28, 2019, FIF submitted a detailed comment letter to the SEC on FIF's response to the Commission's Proposed Amendments to the CAT NMS Plan.  FIF's comments focus upon remaining risks with respect to CAT implementation as well as our recommendations pursuant to the proposed amendments that FIF believes should facilitate the more efficient and timely CAT roll-out.

POSTED Nov 11,2019

FIF Year-End Event - Sponsored by Refinitiv

Please join us on Thursday, December 5, 2019 at Refinitiv (3 Times Square, NYC) for a panel discussion focusing on the Current State of the Consolidated Audit Trail and a networking reception. The panel will focus upon current and upcoming CAT deliverables, including:  Industry Member Testing, Phase 2a and Phase 2b CAT implementation, Phase 2c and Phase 2d Specificaton development and implementation, and the first phase of the CAT Customer Information Specification roll-out  FIF would like to thank Refinitiv for sponsoring this event. Registration will close on Monday, December 2nd at 5:00 PM ET. Please register here

POSTED Nov 11,2019

FIF Submits Comment on Proposed CAT Amendments

On October 28, 2019, FIF submitted a detailed comment letter to the SEC on FIF's response to the Commission's Proposed Amendments to the CAT NMS Plan.  FIF's comments focus upon remaining risks with respect to CAT implementation as well as our recommendations pursuant to the proposed amendments that FIF believes should facilitate the more efficient and timely CAT roll-out.

POSTED Nov 04,2019

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