Guidance from FINRA CAT on Fully-Executed or Cancelled Orders

On September 3rd, FINRA CAT issued a FAQ that Industry Members are not required to report an Order Modification Request or Order Cancel Request event to CAT in Phase 2d to the extent an order has already been fully executed or cancelled. However, reporting of this activity may be required in future phases of CAT. This is a positive result as FIF members were concerned about the system changes that would have been required for reporting these events to CAT.

POSTED Sep 08,2020

FIF to Launch CAT CAIS Working Group Later This Week

FIF has formed a CAT Working Group focused on CAT CAIS. We are pleased to announce that Will Leahey of Refinitiv and Jacki Van Moer of Goldman Sachs have agreed to act as Co-chairs for the new FIF CAT CAIS Working Group. The first meeting of this Working Group will be this Thursday, September 3rd at 11 am ET. The invite for the CAT CAIS Working Group meetings has been sent to participants who have previously signed-up for the CAT CAIS Working Group. If you are interested in participating in this Working Group and have not yet signed-up, please update your profile here or email for assistance.

POSTED Aug 31,2020

New FIF Subgroup on CAT CAIS

FIF is beginning the process of gathering names of members interested in joining discussions focused on the implementation of the CAT CAIS Tech Spec. In order to subscribe to this subgroup, please update your profile here, or email for assistance. FIF plans to hold the first meeting sometime next week. 

POSTED Aug 24,2020

Howard Meyerson to Lead the Financial Information Forum (FIF)

FIF is thrilled to announce the hiring of Howard Meyerson as the new Managing Director of FIF. Howard was most recently the Global Chief Compliance Officer at Liquidnet Holdings, Inc. During his time at Liquidnet, Howard managed legal, regulatory and compliance for the introduction and operation of the Liquidnet trading system in 46 countries on 6 continents.  He has been intimately involved with market structure issues globally, including meetings and communications with SEC Commissioners and staff, the Head of FINRA and FINRA staff, Congressional representatives and staff, and European Union, UK and Canadian regulators. FIF would like to thank Andrew White from Jordan & Jordan for stepping in the last few weeks to help facilitate the transition between Managing Directors. 

POSTED Aug 14,2020

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