FIF Event

FIF would like to send out a big thanks to OTC Markets Group for hosting and Fundamental Interactions for sponsoring the networking hour last week at our sold out event in New York City. The capacity crowd enjoyed insights from industry experts such as: Shawn Sloves of Fundamental Interactions, Tom Sullivan of Societe Generale and Dan Zinn of OTC Markets who spoke on Digital Assets- Regulations, Processing & Technology. With a second panel of industry experts (David Emero of n-Tier fs, Tom Hochleutner of Clear Street, Alex Raisch of SMBC Nikko and Jacki VanMoer of Goldman Sachs) speaking on Current Regulatory Implementations. Please find photos from the event here and we hope to see you at our next live event!

POSTED May 13,2024

FIF In-Person Event: Hosted by OTC Markets

Later today FIF will hold an in-person event at the offices of OTC Markets (300 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10282). There will be two panels. Our first panel of the evening will be “Digital Assets:  Regulations, Processing & Technology”. The panel will cover public and private securities from issuance to trading, settlement and custody. On the panel will be Shawn Sloves of Fundamental Interactions, Tom Sullivan of Société Générale and Dan Zinn of OTC Markets. The panel will be moderated by FIF Advisory Chair, Tom Jordan. The second panel is “Current Regulatory Implementation Challenges” and will include a discussion of SEC Rule 605, FINRA Rule 6151 (Rule 606 filings with FINRA), SEC Rule 13f-2 (short position reporting), CAT, fractional shares on the TRF, and one minute reporting to TRACE. On the panel will be David Emero of n-Tier fs, Thomas Hochleutner of Clear Street, Alex Raisch of SMBC Nikko and Jacki VanMoer of Goldman Sachs. The panel will be moderated by FIF Managing Director, Howard Meyerson.  

Registration in the lobby begins at 4:15 pm. The speaking engagement will be from 5-6:30 pm with refreshments and networking afterwards from 6:30-8 pm. Capacity has been reached for this event. If you are not registered, we hope to see you at the next live event. FIF would like to thank OTC Markets for sponsoring this event.

POSTED May 06,2024

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