FIF Chicago Event

FIF is excited to announce our annual Chicago event, sponsored by Cboe Global Markets. The event will take place on October 9th at Cboe's offices at 433 West Van Buren Street, Chicago, IL 60607. After opening remarks from Kevin Carrai of Cboe Global Markets, there will be two panels, one focusing on options trading and market developments and the other focusing on managing technology risk. The panelists for the options and technology panels will be announced later this week. Registration in the lobby begins at 2 pm CT. The speaking engagement will be from 3-4:30 pm CT, with refreshments and networking afterwards from 4:30-6 pm CT. FIF would like to thank Cboe Global Markets for sponsoring this event. Please register here to secure your spot. FIF events are free to attend for FIF Members. If you have any questions, please contact

POSTED Sep 09,2024

Save the Date: FIF Year-End Event

FIF is excited to announce our 2024 Year-End Holiday Event, hosted by Societe Generale and sponsored by n-Tier fs. After our record breaking event last year, FIF is excited to return once again to Societe Generale on December 3rd. The event will take place at Societe Generale’s offices at 245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10167. Please mark your calendars and be on the look out for further FIF announcements on registration and panels. Thank you again to Societe Generale for hosting and n-Tier fs for sponsoring this event. 

POSTED Sep 09,2024

OFR Repo Reporting Working Group

FIF has scheduled two calls this week for the OFR Repo Reporting Working Group. The first call will be on Monday September 9 at 11 am ET; the second call will be on Wednesday September 11 at 10 am ET. The Working Group will review a draft FIF letter to the Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Research (the “OFR”) relating to reporting for bunched trades and allocations and reporting for subsidiaries. The Working Group will also continue its review and discussion of the FAQs recently published by the OFR and discuss issues and questions raised by FIF members.

POSTED Sep 09,2024

Emerging Technologies Working Group

The next call for the Emerging Technologies Working Group will be on Tuesday September 10 at 10 am ET. As the spotlight topic, representatives from Lightbits will present on “Software-defined Storage for Databases, Real-time Analytics and AI.”

POSTED Sep 09,2024

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