FIF Year End Event - Life in the Cloud

FIF held its Year End Event at the offices of Societe Generale on Monday November 20th. The event focused on the regulatory, legal, and technological challenges and solutions of cloud technology. The event was well attended, and we received positive reviews from attendees and substantial interest in our upcoming Cloud Technology Working Group, which will be launched shortly. We would like to thank our wonderful panelists from Societe Generale, Exegy, Cowen, and FINRA. We would also, of course, like to thank the event's sponsor, Societe Generale, for helping us put on a great program.

POSTED Nov 27,2017

FIF Year End Event - Life in the Cloud - Kindly Sponsored by Societe Generale

Please join us on Monday, November 20, 2017 at Societe Generale (245 Park Avenue, New York) for a panel discussion on regulatory, legal, and technological challenges and solutions of cloud technology, followed by a networking reception. FIF will be joined by industry experts representing broker-dealers, industry participants and regulators who will speak on the topic.  We would like to thank Societe Generale for sponsoring this event.  We would invite you to register by clicking the link here. (Register today, space is limited and registration will be concluding on Thursday 11/16)

POSTED Nov 13,2017

FIF Year End Event - Life in the Cloud: The Public Cloud for Banks, Broker-Dealers and Exchanges - Kindly Sponsored by Societe Generale

Please join us on Monday, November 20, 2017 at Societe Generale (245 Park Avenue, New York) for a panel discussion on regulatory, legal, and technological challenges and solutions of cloud technology, followed by a networking reception. FIF will be joined by industry experts representing broker-dealers, banks and exchanges who will speak on the topic.  We would like to thank Societe Generale for sponsoring this event.  The agenda and panelists are currently being finalized, but we would invite you to register by clicking the link here.

POSTED Oct 23,2017

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