FIF CAT Working Group – Change in Structure

Given the volume of current and anticipated CAT-related workstreams, FIF is slightly changing the structure of the CAT Working Group.  Going forward, the CAT Working Group will be managed as a Committee.  Separate workstreams (i.e. FDID, CAT Operations) will be run through the CAT Committee, allowing all members of the CAT Working Group access to meeting invites/work product of each separate workstream.  The CAT Tech Spec Working Group will remain unchanged, and fall under the Committee’s umbrella.  As needed, FIF will form separate subgroups to address specific topics (i.e. Paired Options Orders, Complex Options).  The intent of this revised structure is to lessen the burden on our members to sign up for the separate subgroups, and to provide better access to all relevant CAT-related information.  If you have any questions, please send an email to

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